
My office setup.. 27" and 34" curved DELL monitors...
Plus the red bean bag.. 😸

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    @conna yup. ☺
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    Very cool!
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    @dfox thanks.
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    Nice!! Are bean bags good for your back? Been thinking of buying one instead of traditional office chair for my room
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    @noisyass2 I use it to take power naps and sometimes, as bed whenever I stay back in office. My opinion would be bean bags cannot replace chairs. Chairs are far more comfortable and good for back during long hours of work. Bean bags are good for short interval uses.
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    Not that I mind, but can someone explain what's the point of having multiple displays AND a laptop? Unless you use some software to be able to control it from desktop's kb/m 😐
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    The 27" looks so tiny when next to that curved monster o.O
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    ultimate power. Or, you know, handy extra workhorse.

    There are tools to control laptops via a remote client/host software.. I think it's called Synergy.
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    @AlmightyBaka to be honest, I use laptops most of the time just to check emails and listen songs or watch lectures parallely while working.. Other time, I use it to connect my desktop remotely whenever I work from home. And yes, to make quick prototypes too.. and develop some personal mini projects..
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    @stisch synergy helps to have common mouse for desktop and laptop. You can just hover and change mouse pointer system to system.
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    fancy finding you here ;)
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    @varundey me too.. 😉
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    Imagine 3 of those monsters vertically... Mmm...
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    Absolutely gorgeous
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    @AlgoRythm thanks a lot ☺
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