I liked to toy with and edit stupid batch scripts in high school and put them on school computers to see if kids run them

Lucked into an internship that was structured enough to learn but laid back enough to have freedom to learn on my own my way. And it included programming
Semester after had a python elective. Was ahead of everyone due to my internship so teacher let me do what I want to if I help other students so I just experimented with stuff

Few months after high school I dropped out of one college after a gap year I ended up in an associates in programming program at another college. Graduated July 2020

I feel I'm doing alright for myself most of the time

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    Was planning to pursue biology after high school, and just took BASICA programming as an elective. That led to PASCAL, etc. I was still going to pursue biology in college, but my guidance counselor noticed I did well in my programming classes and convinced me that a career in computers was the way to go.
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