
https://www.gitignore.io/ is very simple and useful to make .gitignore files . try it :))

  • 1
    Ima checking this out
  • 1
    What's difficult about making gitignore files?
  • 0
    Nothing really. its just easier. assume you are newbie to some idea it can help you better(i know we can search or learn it in just less than one hour but this site turn that time to 1 minute 😎) @jshint
  • 0
    I discovered this site last week. I see this as being especially useful for IDEs that have a lot going on.

    I dabble with VHDL and I haven't tried it yet, but I noticed they have a profile for Xilinx Vivado which generates a lot of files that one may or may not want to track. Having at least a reasonable starting point for what files and extensions to ignore is nice when you are not entirely sure whether a file is a build output product or an essential file for maintaining the state of your project.

    FYI If you use VS Code there is an extension that interfaces with it called gi.
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