This is brilliant example of why integration testing is so much better than unit testing https://twitter.com/withzombies/...

  • 0
    Has this been shown before?
  • 1
    So because i found a video elsewhere and I take that to devrant to share with other devs and add my own thoughts on that, you seem to class that as pure reposting from other outlets? Hmmmm 🤔 if you have a look at my previous posts you will see im not a serial link poster!! I dont see validity in your argument!

    But good job on taking my !rant and making me have a rant at you @artemix!!
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    @Artemix also, i could of took the video and attached it to my own rant and never gave credit to the original poster on twitter and you would of been perfectly happy with that !rant!!

    I'm a great believer of giving credit where credit is due!!
  • 0
    Unit and integration testing are both important!
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