Hi I know Javascript just a little who can help me with an app were I can learn full JavaScript?

  • 2
    hi there we all know beeing a beginner is very hard.
    my tipp is that you learn how to aquire knowledge yourself using the vast resources the internet has to offer. Learn how to really master the google search. As it's the most important skill a developer must possess.

    Here are some good learning resources


    JavaScript Course: Free 34-Part Intro To - Scrimba.com

    JavaScript 30 — Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 ...

    And the Frontend Book that gives you an oversight of web development tools and techniques.
    FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook-2019: [Book] 2019 ... - GitHub

    Best of luck! 🙂
  • 2
    Udemy is my favourite source of inexpensive paid content.

    Frontendmasters is my favourite source of expensive paid content.

    Depending on your budget I would recommend either.
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