--- Visits stackoverflow for an answer
. You find the accepted answer amazing... Yep this is what I'm looking for. (You copied the code into your source)
. scrolled down a little bit
. You saw another answer with a higher upvote. Ooh lala, this is fucking cool. (You copied and replace your source again)
. scrolled down once again
. You noticed yet another answer which is the most recent and a lot shorter implementation of what you just copied. (No shit! You copied and replace your source yet another time)
. scrolled down for the last time maybe and it looks like the previous was the last.
. But then...
. you saw a comment with lots of upvotes even more than the accepted answer and this comment points to a link.
. You clicked the link with your mouth salivating waiting to see what holds at the other side of the world which amount this so much upvotes.
. And Tadaaaa 404 not found!
. You feel hunted by that mysterious link for the rest your life...

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