

Hei guys, i'm new here and i have a big problem with stack overflow...

Why when people ask questions and then you provide an answer their that you know it works and other people apparently know the same since they upvoted my answer... then you have a crappy op who tells you that this can't be the problem. Nevertheless after i have to argue with him for a while to try to solution he then says thanks in the comment and doesn't even approve my answer ... seriously wtf is wrong with some people!!!!

  • 1
    Welcome to devRant!

    Sometimes new users ask questions, find the answer, say thanks and move on without further using the site such as marking your answer as the answer. (I'm assuming they are new)

    Either way, it just 'happens'. Don't be sad about this, just feel good you've tried to help someone. Other people will upvote your answer and appreciate your effort to contribute.
  • 0
    Thank you!

    True the new users tend to ask and then fade away, but this guy was not really new (had more reputation than i did), and incredibly stubborn when i told him he was handling some event in not the best way ... this also being a factor in creating his problem...
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    @runfrodorun sad but true
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