
I just got a new job as Web Director, leading a team of 4 (junior and mid level) developers. Thankfully I still get to write code, albeit less. After 7 years of development out of college, I am finally making the salary I dreamed of. What are some tips to make sure I can succeed in this position, and not have my team hate me?

  • 4
    You are primarily there for your team, not the other way around. Fight for them to have any tools, training, extra time, or anything else they need to do their work properly, trust their judgement, and fight against anything that gets in their way.
  • 1
    It may seem kind of obvious, but be gentle. What I mean is when they make mistakes - as long as they take responsibility for them - make it clear that all is good. And, by extension, own up to your own mistakes so you're leading by example.

    Be humble and take care to not act like you're above them (even though you are). That doesn't mean you have to be all buddy-buddy all the time (and in fact there are times were you explicitly CAN'T be like that) but do everything you can to show that you're in it all with them. Sounds like you'll actually be in the trenches with them hacking code. Good.

    Finally, give them the freedom to be creative. Sometimes, even when you see them going down a path that you know isn't optimal - so long as you know it won't actually hurt anything - let them. You want them to feel like their voices are heard and that they have some influence on how things are done. There's nothing worse than just being an anonymous cog, so give 'em some freedom.

    Have fun!
  • 0
    Web director , sounds like spider man thing...
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