while coding, time flies away toooo damn fast

  • 1
    Envy you. Wish I could get in to that flow zone as well, though I am just getting into programming...how's your workflow like?
  • 1
    @popcorn maybe it's that fullstack thing.. writing server code in Java (spring), doing SQL and database stuff, writing unit tests, making a rest endpoint, doing the front end.. bit jquery Ajax and at the end putting some glitter with css on it.. and between them some coffee and raging about some bugs :D
  • 2
    If you do bunch of stuff bouncing back and forth I bet there is no time in between to get bored! @gedankennebel
  • 0
  • 1
    Most of my time would end up debugging.
  • 3
    True, just wanted to fix mi while-loop which was over certain lines.
    Almost two hours gone🤙
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