Creating an online store mvp.
14 hours of non-stop work, said Wakatime.

  • 0
    this seems like someone marketing wakatime

    I never heard of wakatime
    so this prompted me to look up wakatime
    since it was like 'oh automatic coding estimates hmm'
  • 0
    @MadMadMadMrMim I'd say it's more of a recommendation, but, tools to situations.
    Would you prefer we all used neutral objects to avoid saying brands?
    So instead of Wakatime I should've said "free activity-recording service" or something.
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 I wasn't indicating that at all.
  • 2
    Wakatime is kind of trash. I feel like it counts time when an ide is open but idle. Works for vscode and android studio but breaks after 10 minutes on Xcode. It also counts a lot of boiler config files.
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