Not even slightly exaggerated

  • 29
    Man fuck printers. We've had this technology for literally decades and they're still just as frustrating to use now as they were in the 90s.

    I'm just glad I managed to find a cheap printer that works without any bloatware. Fuck printer bloatware especially.
  • 5
  • 4
    Step 6. Buy your third printer in 6 months
  • 0
    @Mayhem93 that was brilliant! 😂
  • 0
    I have the Epson L355 and I simply adore it. The ink lasts forever, the quality is good, the app is easy to use. I prefer it to my parents' fancy HP InkJet something-or-the-other
  • 1
    Just this. Couldn't properly print for 5 month! Only from inside VM with another ghostscript version. Today I just installed the debug symbol package for ghostscript or maybe sacrified some goats. Now it seems to work. WTF.
  • 4
    Exactly what I thought when the company printer crashed the VM it was running in. Turned out it crashed because it was out of paper.

    Humanity can put a man on the moon, and yet we can't solve the printer problem.
  • 1
    I abandoned printers in my home altogether and use work or reprographic shops. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • 3
    And don't forget the "smart" printers. Recently someone found 150000 printers open to the internet...
  • 1
    I turn in my computer, and print a document (holy shit it worked first time!). One hour later...
    I go to print a document and nothing! Start rotation, power cycle, drivers, goat, goats, more drivers, sigh
  • 0
    I have a Samsung CLX-6260ND. Don't need any drivers, I just go to the printer's IP, and upload the PDF I want to print. (yes, it does accept PDF even if the upload form does not explicity state that)
  • 0
    Brother laser printers have been the bomb 😊I haven't had any issues so far!
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