Be me.
Be making webpage for local osu! tournament.
Assume you are doing it for free.
Get told to ask for payment.
Tell the client the price(with >45% discount) that is getting really close to your hourly wage.
Get told that it is too much to ask for that webpage.
Ask client to propose a price that he is willing to pay.
Never hear back drom the client.

I just don't get it... Why are people expecting that webpages are cheap? I mean, 6-7 years of experience are worth something, right? I also have to pay rent, buy food and components for my PC that break while working...

  • 4
    That are some bad clients, I've met some like that and hate when it happens..
  • 2
    Many of them learn that cheap developers does cheap work. You just have to find them :)
  • 0
    read this rather quickly I thought it started off "byteMe" - which I thought would be a great summary.
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