
I feel dirty for putting an empty .ts file just so VSCode would stop complaining about my tsconfig file that I created so Vetur would stop complaining about not having one. I didn't need any of that.

  • 0
    So why do you have a tsconfig then? Just remove everything, done, clean workspace.
  • 1
    Wh- I'd call to file an issue to vuejs/vetur if there is such a bug and have a peek in settings.
  • 2
    See, that kinda shit is why I like to use Vim instead of an IDE or a bloated editor trying to be an IDE.

    Software trying to be smart to "help" the user inevitably leads to situations where you have to use 4D chess hacks to trick it into doing what you want. And once your toolchain is complex enough this leads to shit like scientists renaming hundreds of genes so Excel stops corrupting their data with its garbage auto-formatting.

    The cake is a lie. There is no smart software except Skynet.
  • 0
    Honestly, we never needed all those new js frameworks as well.

    btw, I love vue js
  • 1

    It isn't a bug, you need a tsconfig for proper typescript detection of vue source files (which is very useful even in a project that doesn't use typescript), but then VSCode gets angry that typescript is configured without any typescript files present. If anything then it's VSCode having some stupid ideas
  • 1
    @msdsk I suppose so. Then it's the same without Vetur? VSCode sure is weirdo.
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