
This is my bottom drawer. That's +150 packets of honey from the cafe downstairs. I've been slowly collecting them since I started working here. I'm leaving soon and thinking about leaving them so the next dev can have a pleasant surprise 😂

  • 1
    The next dev might not appreciate them as much as you. I'd keep 'em. But maybe I'm just greedy.
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    I know about that beef jerky lifestyle
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    I legit thought it was a bag full of condoms
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    @Heatstreak just fucking weird
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    @xroad we devs get around.
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    This reminds me the "Crackers box" in a friend's office. He used to collect single portion crackers bags from the mensa and everyone was invited to contribute. I think none, including him, knew what was the purpose of that ritual, but nonetheless just the social aspect was enough to keep the crackers coming :)
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    @ste09 funny you mention that... I have about 50 packets of crackers in my drawer from getting soups from the cafe😂
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