
Ok..now its up to you guys. I couldnt find any answer on google that could help me..
SSH : is that only like a dos or batch command line (simply script language) , to go with?
I see often the "$" sign , for what does it stand for?

  • 3
    Do you know RDP Remote Desktop?
    Really simplified answer is SSH is the same for shell access.

    Remote access to machines but only via shell (bash,zsh...)
  • 4
    SSH stands for a network protocol as well as for the client programs for it's use. Do you mean the dollar sign that appears after you login into a shell session? That's normally only a marker to show you where to input your commands.
  • 1
    @Makenshi @mak420 thank you guys for that quick answer that was what i want to hear ..so simple i guess..
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    @killermenpl so its like remote in a more complex way?
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    @jakobev ssh stand for secure shell. It's one of the ways to access linux servers
  • 0
    Yeah understood that. Can i access my windows laptop with ssh for android?
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    @killermenpl so why use telnet if it's unencrypted?
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    @jakobev ssh is not for windows.. it's a Linux thing.
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    @ScribeOfGoD ah fuck ok thx
  • 3
    Doesn't windows 10 now has a shell which accepts the usual Unix commands? I think that you have to manually enable it but it should be there.
    Also you can download the git bash for windows. It also allowes you to do a lot of things with Unix commands. Not sure what it's limits are though
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    @hasu you still can't control windows through ssh like you can linux though
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    @ScribeOfGoD hrm. Ok. Name me an example pls :D
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    @hasu yes it's called Bash on Ubuntu and you can enable it in features.
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    @hasu there isn't anything that can do on Windows that ssh can do on Linux. Even powershell has its limitations. Windows is based around having and using a GUI
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