
Before get get source code for freelance job, the person who cantact me say the job is to continue the project for some update and tweak.

The UI from design is beautiful and he gave good explaination for the project and the update, continue to conversarion, negosiation and deal.

but he is not the IT guy and also the project is not his work or something that he do previosly. All the person who work on that project is already leave and not contactable.

And here that I get:
- source code
- domain cred.

And here what's missing:
- documentation
- .env file
- db backup / old db cred.
- server and hosting cred.

And after some hour of learning the code I find out that:
- latest commit was 2 year ago and different from production version.
- most of the branch is RnD.
- the code have many wtf/minute lol

And for now I still re-negotiate with the person who give me the project with 2 suggestion from me.
- continue with this code with condition, he need to search for the missing part at least backup db or documentation.
- recreate the project with more time

And here's one funny part of the code.
return 5 // this number was choose by dev team at random

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