
25 yo european with 3 years of NodeJS backend xp.
Had been earning 2k/month this entire time.
I feel so lucky, that I dont think I am worth any more until I'm a senior pro.
How timid is my brain? What do other kids earn in the EU nowadays?

  • 2
    Depends entirely on where in Europe you are
  • 0
    @matt-jd freelance Digital Nomad. I never worked in my own country. But for taxation purposes, still looking within inside the EU. So doesn't really matter where.
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  • 1
    Entirely dependent on cost of living.

    Entry level in one country might be rockstar wages in another, can make living close to the border and commuting cross country quite attractive.
  • 2
    Move to the US. You’ll make more than twice that at entry level.
  • 0
    @wackOverflow yeah, see, that's the next level ambition I was thinking about.
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    I heard somewhere around 55k /year is the average for mid level.
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    @SortOth @wackOverflow but how much will you be spending on rent to live in one of the big tech cities, compares to (for example) a three bedroom apartment costing under €1,000 in the Netherlands?
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