
Fuck z-index , man!

  • 2
  • 3
    I heard 9-5 has become popular also in CSS. As in, five nines.
  • 2
    I honestly have never used z index
  • 1
    Instructions unclear, Fucked your ....
  • 2
    Would you rather I use flex-order to create layering that doesn't match visual order?
  • 4
    Aah... z-index. The less it is used in a codebase, the best.

    Remember when Firefox's devtools included a "3D View" that let you see the way elements stacked on top of each other?
  • 2
    Another flat screener...
    Wonder what they have against the 3rd dimension?!
  • 1
    @nitnip wish I could experience that
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