
Boss: please deleted These vServers since we dont need them anymore


Me: Starts working today. Got a Mail from my boss.
"Can we Talk about Server xyz123, there may be some important data on it"

Sometimes I wonder if they think that I Just sitting around with a finger in my nose and wait for days before I start doing stuff.

Just dont ask me to delete stuff if you are unsure.

  • 1
    Do you have it black on whitw
  • 5
    It's black on white. And sure I have Backups. But to access them I need to adress this to our datacenter provider. They will restore it and I can get the data back.
    It's just a waste of time.
  • 13
    It's a lesson you will learn.

    Shut it down then wait a month, if no one complains, let it go into the void.

    They don't know what they need until it's deleted 😏
  • 4

    Would do the same, but as we migrate from our data centre towards the cloud, we are supposed to tear down all resources no longer needed in the old world to save costs.
    It's called actionism. Do things so that things get done. No matter what the consequences are.
  • 0
    Boss === Shit Heads
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