
Dear TypeScript, could you not have chosen any other extensions rather than .TS? Apparently telesync have been using .TS for IDK may be decades. But all you could go with was .TS?
Now Windows Explorer keeps on thinking .TS is a telesync file thus it keeps on trying to load a thumbnail for the files whenever a folder with .TS files are opened.

  • 2
    Just switch the default program for this extension, gee.
    No one wants TPS, TYS, TSC, TSCR, or TST extensions for TypeScript files just because once upon a time dear TeleSync claimed TS.
  • 0
    Also, unlike TeleSync, you can have any extension for TypeScript compiler and IDEs. If you have to mix both in your project, why not give this a try?
  • 2
    @vintprox Already have done that. Now it looks like this -_- :|
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    @Xoka you set TeleSync player as default, right? There you have it: quirks of Windows thumbnails cache. Don't just run blaming crafty language for taking this extension - if you wanna open code, you can do this from IDE.
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    I have .TS file for code and for telesync. I don't wanna just run one and forget another.

    only if TypeScript has chosen some other extensions it would never have happened
  • 3
    Extension reuse is so fucking stupid. It Takes a Google search to assert that your preferred extension won't make everyone who uses a given program suffer.
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    @homo-lorens I totally agree with you
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    @homo-lorens we'd run out of usable extensions really quickly that way...

    If that'd be the case, I could claim a `.fdg` for my own tools I built and everyone would have to keep notice of that so they don't make those 10-20 people that use it suffer :^)

    Oh wait... nvm... `.fdg` is already taken by Chitubox...
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k The extension .fdg, pretty sure most normal people never even see a .fdg file in their lifetime. But the .ts files are almost in everywhere for telesync and there's a high chance that a lot of normal people would see these files. So, at least, the popular file extensions should be ignored.
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