
That really got me xD

Credit goes to /r/ProgrammerHumor

  • 4
    @relentlessCoder we will still be making our own things. Like more js frameworks lol
  • 2
    Who can blame him? Html is a devils child more complex than string theory, while hacking a bank's highly secured private network infrastructure is child's play.
  • 0
    @cankarales HTML is actually not that bad, a nice little mark up language, CSS on the other hand is quite horrible.
  • 0
    @Godisalie not at all. It's like any language. You have to learn it :p
  • 4
    @runfrodorun, only if that GUI was designed to track the killer's IP address...
  • 1
    @Godisalie i was joking, html is very easy (usually) and css is also very managable once you learn some of it's tricks and once you start using scss or sass :)
  • 0
    I hope it's a joke.
  • 1
    @T3hbeowulf I saw what you did there
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