
An old friend, just asked if I can make thier company a custom Operating system. not an app an entire new OS... and if I have time to do it on the "side".

  • 5
    Make them a personalized linux OS lol
  • 7
    @ScribeOfGoD Here's how the convo went....

    Friend: "Hey, can develop a operating system for our company. And will you do it on the side."

    Me:"Erm, you mean like a program right? Not an OS"

    Friend:"No, and OS... you know like Windows but better!"

    Me:"Then you want linux"

    Friend:"No we want OUR OWN OS"

    Me: "..."
  • 0
    @kurtr it still would be their own, as no one else would have a copy or use it
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD I get that, I mean they want it to be thier OWN. Like from the ground up bs. And they can't even employ 1 full time dev, never mind the 40 it would take. It's a pipe dream. It's more of a pride decision than a business decision, I think the bosses ego has him losing his mind.
  • 2
    Write a simple form of DOS and call it a day. See if they have any idea what to do from a command line.

    Bonus Points: To make it "their" system, change all the commands to something intuitive, but different (e.g. "collections" instead of "directories", resulting in "cc" to navigate into a folder...).
  • 1
    Select any Linux distro
    Then use their name and logos about etc...
    Cally it their is :)
  • 1
    Use Open SUSE studio :)
  • 2
    Tell him that the total number of all OS in the world can be counted on a hand. Then ask him if he feels intelligent enough to figure out why. Almost always works.
  • 1
    What these guys really mean is charge them first.. 👌
  • 4
    Direct them to Temple OS; I seen to remember it was the product of some chap who believed his code was the work of God working through him.
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