
The amount of times this has happened to me...

credit: https://facebook.com/WeAreCoders/

  • 5
    Well if it keeps happening to you... It's probs you mate
  • 1
    @FitzSuperUser Sometimes, but usually its documentation "grey" zones or no docs / v1 docs. You need a machette to cut out the crap and figure out whats going on.
  • 2
    But what the picture doesn't show is the fix could actually be done in 10 mins on either side. Still deva love to argue about it ;)
  • 1
    @rusty-hacker Also both of them painted stripes on the road before joining them!
  • 4
    If we are going to reupload comics verbatim from other sources, can we please at least make sure the original is linked.

    This is from commitstrip not the facebook group. There are throusands of comics like this there, beautifully archived.
  • 2
    @theaviator Mind checking the source before making assumptions. Commitstrips official facebook page is WeAreCoders. Check it.
  • 1
    @kurtr My apologies, only did a cursory search. My passive aggressive offhand statement about verbatim reposting still stands however
  • 2
    @theaviator No stress, I agree with the stance - hence I verified the source before posting
  • 0
    It happened to me a week ago, I work at a digital security firm I don't know if I can go into details but we are currently developing a program which requires some mathematicians, CS to be exact, When the function they developed and I wrote did not work, I was confident that my API was correct so I told them to get their shit together and check for errors.( I did not like them from the start so I was a bit cocky and rude) I realised it was my fault when I get home so I have been calling in sick since friday... Need some advice.
  • 1
    @drflawless Best advice I have is own up to it, appologise and chalk it up to a bad day. No matter how well you spin it BS leaves a smell. Good luck mate
  • 0
    @kurtr Yeah I guess you are right ... I was thinking to find a way of changing my codes without them noticing and blame it all on an unknown bug, but if could delay the project and harm our company. As you said I should just own up to it tomorrow. It ain't gonna be easy...
  • 1
    @drflawless It never is. Just remember trust is damn near impossible to get back once you've lost it. Everyones human and makes mistakes and you get a small amount of respect for owning up to them. If you get caught out lying people will forever doubt your word regardless of your intentions.
  • 0
    @kurtr Great advices man, you should have a section where guys like you could teach dimwits like me some common sense :).
  • 1
    @drflawless Hahahaha advice is alot easier to give than to take! Ultimatley all im doing is telling you things I wish I had done in the past. Thanks for the nice words.
  • 0
    Reminds me of a Quickbooks integration a friend had to work on. From what I heard it almost felt as though the documentation was intentionally bad to force you to just go first-party instead.
  • 0
    Damn CenPOS token API. On a side note, WHY is SOAP still a thing in 2017?
  • 0
    @AllenII then what do you wash up with :P
  • 0
    @rusty-hacker i prefer body wash XD
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