It's amazing how many minor office arguments there are where each side doesn't realize they are making the same point just with different words

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    Heh, and not just office arguments

    I find that the most common reason for conflict between people is the lack of establishing common ddfinitions

    People use words all willy nilly and then hours later you found out the other person was defining X as something different than you do and you were arguing for an hour over completely different things, or better, you agree with each other just with different words...

    Which is why I'm trying to establishing common domain language with people whenever conflict arises...

    It's funny that my ddfinitions are usually the correct one given by dicrionaries... So I secretly blame others for all these conflicts... Im using my words correctly :P
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    NU UH!!!!
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    I'm new
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    I’ve only ever experienced this with
    a) my parents, bloody constantly
    b) those e.g. Indian devs who know very little yet insult and never listen
    c) some teachers in elementary/high school

    I’ve only met a few professionally, e.g. (b), plus a coworker and boss or two. But my parents? And those teachers? Like arguing with a bully; all they did was get pissed off, yell and accuse, and suddenly I was at fault and/or getting beaten up.

    I loathe and detest people who refuse to listen.
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    @Root what about the so called lead dev who ignored all the issues you found with his code and blamed you for his bugs? Lol
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    @TeachMeCode That’s just him lying and not actually caring. He still understood me perfectly.
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    @Root he understood that he sucks but won’t admit it. Typical shit, moving on. Of course he will always think he poops sugar and rainbows even after eating a pork salsa and asparagus extra mexican blast burrito and bombing the bathroom badly enough to melt the walls
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