Anyone else bored to death with linked in but don't have the guts to break up with her?

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    I never valued it as a source of entertainment
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    I have been on there since 2014 and the only people who look at my profile are anonymous. Haters from past jobs and recruiters I guess.
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    There is so much spam recruiters that it sucks. I do a small test for everybody that contacts me:

    - We are a company that is searching for a person...
    - Ok, what do you offer?

    I answer that, and 99% don't answer. It sucks.
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    I joined and left not long after they had their massive unsalted password leak (this was many years ago now). I never got any real offers from people and I just had a bunch of random people I didn't know, want to add me to their professional network.

    It's basically the career version of online dating. Lots of promise and not much to show for it, but there's always that one person it did work for...
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    @nblackburn I didn't mean bored to death as a source of entertainment, I meant as a source of real business contacts. I got my last job few jobs off of slack, upwork and face to face networking.
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