Found in a reddit thread

  • 7
    I'm having an existential crisis now. Thanks.
  • 3
    Especially at banks, they are not even hiding errors lmao
  • 5
    @filthyranter "Bank-level security". Thanks, but no.
  • 1
    What client are you using?
  • 0
    @rickygoldchain web version in firefox mobile
  • 2
    I came to this realization after getting hire to unit test 200k+ lines of untested legacy PHP spaghetti code with a workforce of 2 programmers, where one of them doesn't even undertand OOP principles (or design, for all that matters), yet alone SOLID; and a backlog with an open/close issue ratio of 3:1 growing everyday. The thing is band-aided from top to bottom.

    My reaction? still in denial. Learning nodejs in hopes I'll someday work for a company that actually rejects pull requests when they have bad code or has no tests
  • 1
    @rephiscorth "where one of them doesn't even understand OOP principles" *inaudible screeching*
  • 0
    Maybe I can finally kill my imposter syndrome...
    Is my code really that much better?
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