
Interested? Really? Then how come you called me?

My resumes clearly says my number is for texting only. It also has my LinkedIn address next to it. And the summary on it clearly says that I am deaf and you should email me!

  • 25
    I read a story recently about a guy who wrote on his LinkedIn that all messages that didn't start with the word "banana" would be filtered out and ignored.

    He said still every recruiter pretty much ignored it and didn't take the time to read his profile :/
  • 10
    @dfox I'm more intrigued at why he chose banana as his word of choice 😂😂
  • 15
    @dfox yep, I thought about doing that too. I actually do say "in the email, explicitly state that you understand I am deaf" nothing about bananas though 😀.
  • 3
    Also for my mailbox I use Boxbe, recruiters have to prove their human, otherwise the messages go into a separate folder which I read and empty when I'm bored or want to see which idiots got caught.
  • 1
    @allanx2000 is there a way to filter for phrases? If you can i would setup a second filter for "can't hear", "can not hear", and "deaf" to cut out the dumbasses that can't read
  • 0
    @jckimble If they can't be bothered to pass the I'm not a robot test, they're just spam
  • 0
    @allanx2000 yes im asking if you can filter out the ones that pass the robot test but still can't read?
  • 1
    @dfox bug? Android version. If I sometimes scroll to the last comment, the share buttons are on top.. so I can't hit reply
  • 0
    @jckimble oh well I guess yea but if they pass, it means they actually do care and aren't just robot spamming.
  • 1
    @dfox Try deleting a comment after adding it on this thread... seems to recreate the issue.
  • 0
    @allanx2000 i think a few just search linkedin for what they are looking for and send out emails, for all intents and purposes i see them the same as robot spamming. Once in a bluemoon I'll get one that actually read my full profile and those are the ones i reply to with a kind rejection
  • 1
    @billgates I read something in popular science the other day that you might be interested in from the sept/oct 2016 issue

  • 0
    Totally irrelevant for this thread, but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @DeveloperACE thanks, the thread did mention I was deaf.

    Looks interesting but seems like it's still not good enough yet.

    I'm looking towards me off an AI solution. I'm good at training computers, not so good at training myself... In non tech stuff
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