
The overwhelming code smell when you finally got a chance to do a quarterly project-level code review as a team lead.

It's my fault for feeling like they are teaming up against me, and I don't know how to fix it.

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    Quarterly. Destined to fail.

    We need to be reviewing continuously. Pairing if there are competent people, PRs if necessary. Been at a company that blocked it, if you are too my advice is give up and get another job.
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    @craig939393 I have assigned seniors do to peer code reviews, so it's kind of a structural incompetence.

    If I am constantly making PRs to override their decisions, there will be resistance.

    Totally understand the thought processes behind the resistance, but I need resolutions.
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    @vicary solving a systemic problem requires complete support from the top. Without that there will not be a solution no matter how hard you try.
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    If they suck and you push for doing it right, who cares if they resist? Make them do it the right way and if they still won't do it, fire them or find a better team somewhere else.
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    @spongessuck works if you're the person at the top.
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    I am making wiggle room for those pushes, hopefully it turns out fine.
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    I am the person at the top, not a big team, but top management doesn't work that way. It's always a myth for frontlines that people above are dismissive douches.

    Stability means everything for a healthy normal organization. You don't cut your own foot because it smells, you go for a shower or something.
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    @vicary if you can do it, good on you, but some people can't be "showered off."
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