
One of the best way to judge a JavaScript developer is 'whether he used === or ==' 😎😋

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    Another way is to notice the lack of documentation and instructions on how to use their functions...
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    @lostinmyworld Yess.. That's more important :'( Excellent Documentation really helps a Lot! 😊
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    Is it a standard? I don't think so. But if you saw it, it's definitely JavaScript. Other languages do only == and cast if needed.

    Lack of documentation seems a standard for JavaScript programmers though. I don't know about you I'm just speaking out of my little experience.
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    Actually, its whether or not they use "use strict"
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    This is true for most loosely typed languages so I don't really see your point
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    @lostinmyworld there are other languages where you can do strict type checking as well, such as php and ruby, so you're not actually correct
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    @girlybrackets I didn't know that. Nice to know from now on.
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    @lostinmyworld the more you know 😉
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    This would be true if === and == made any difference. In 90% of the cases they don't. You are free to judge them if they use it incorrectly and it results in an error (the 10% of the cases) but I don't see a reason why one would judge someone for using what is perfectly legit and perfectly works.
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    I would judge them by the fact that they write JavaScript to be honest
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