
Anyone here practice mindfulness? Got any tips for staying mindful while in front of a computer and coding? and at work?

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    > be mindful of your surroundingz
    > facepalm at each PR at work because your co-worker don't know how to code
    > forget about mindfulness
    > be happy
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    @runfrodorun I'm always focused on whatever I do then after awhile I realized I've been sitting for hours and have missed lunch and should've drank more water.
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    U r nothing but a mere human so can't skip meals by being mindful.....otherwise acidity will take its turn.
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    @sam9669 I can go a day without eating if I'm really focused... it just catches up to me afterwards...
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    @ChachiKlaus but I don't like being distracted while I'm in the middle of something... And im always in the r middle of coding until I'm done/out of the zone... That's my dilemma...
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