
Call me a spoiled Linux kid but FUCK WINDOWS UPDATE!!
It's not even the shitty deployment cycle that they have for their updates, the real cancer is the fucking update app.
First off, if you fucking piece of shit already have the audacity to load gigabytes of updates over my 0.8mbit/s connection in the background, without my goddamn consent, at least let me PAUSE the fucking download!!! I don't see why the fuck you have to block my connection, and therefore me, from the most basic things like visiting a fucking website for more than a FUCKING HOUR to load useless updates, YOU PIECE OF BLOODSTAINED SHIT, I GOT SHIT TO DO.
And it doesn't stop there, noooo: then you even have the bloody fucking nerve to FORCE ME TO INSTANTLY RESTART AND SIT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING 40 MINUTE UPDATE PROCESS WHILE IM TRYING TO WORK.. WITHOUT THE ABILIT TO DELAY THE UPDATE!!! What the fuuuck?!

It is seldom that I am this ๐Ÿ‘Œ close to just dd'ing /dev/null to my windows partition. Fuck you!!

  • 4
    D-do it.

    Unless you *really* need windows for something. :p
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    @lotd Would love to, but I need some windows only programs and unfortunately wine (still) isn't up to the task.
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    @nyjan if your hw is up for it, i guess you could run a vm for it..
    Maybe Crossover can run it (although I doubt it) :p
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    @lotd my hw is certainly up to the task, but I'd have to buy VMware already and I just can't justify that while I'm broke.
    Also, the update process wouldn't be any better in a vm, would it? :D
  • 1
    @nyjan vm player is free
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD will take a look at that, thanks!
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    You can change when and how Windows updates and restarts.
  • 6
    @nyjan and you have vbox which is free also...
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    @nocgod yes, I know, I worked with virtual machines before. Vbox is great (when it works) and I used it quite extensively for over two years, but I just prefer vmware workstation. And until I can afford that I can live with dualboot.
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    @nickpapoutsis I did, but I had multiple forced restarts outside of the specified update hours so far. It's also pathetic that you can't pause an ongoing download of updates while you're trying to work.

    Should've just stayed with win 7...
  • 1
    @nyjan Not sure why you are having this problem.

    You could also block the download with a firewall if you want.
  • 1
    @nyjan never had any issues with window updates. Just make sure to uncheck the option to share your update via peer to peer to other people around you, the upload may fuck you up
  • 3
    Spoiled Linux kid!
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    @nyjan update process, probably not but in a disposable vm you can probably get away with stopping the windows update service so it shuts its trap :p

    Hmm, I have never used VMWare, I'm mostly using docker & bhyve for my needs..

    I have heard a bunch of positive words about using xen for Windows Virtualization, Qubes OS looks like a good choice on that front :)
  • 2
    Open search bar
    Type Services
    Search the Windows update service
    right click
    set the startup type to disabled
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    @SHA-256 the hate is real, still, windows is dope :D
    But I got the feeling that npm runs slower on windows than on Linux.
  • 1
    @SirWindfield I personally find Windows great....the updater sucks though
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