
I found an api that doesn't offer https when you use their free plan.

FFS, you have to send your api in plaintext... What dumbass of a developer didn't step up to marketing and told them to shut their fucking uneducated mouths

  • 8
    Ofc they also return the infamous `success: true` in their api calls
  • 2
    So? http-only is good enough for testing the product, but not for actual usage. Makes sense if the company wants to make money.
  • 5
    If its not sending or receiving confidential information, marketing is doing what marketing does best. 😅
  • 3
    @C0D4 Lying? That’s not lying. But it certainly is scummy, which is what they’re second-best at.
  • 2
    @Root I was meaning pulling cash from anything possible, even when it's beyond stupid.
  • 0
    @C0D4 How much will they save on that little CPU necessary to encode/decode https?

    They'll lose it all because querying whether I can use their HTTPS endpoint might be more expensive
  • 0
    what's the problem ? pay and they'll get you https.

    If you are too cheap, use http and be over it. You don't care about security. You are just cheap
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