
Always take the challenge.

Didn't know front end - took tasks that were front end oriented, took me longer but I learned.

Didn't know what goes on in the legacy code - took the tasks and dived right in the filth.

Fear the day the challenges will be over.

  • 2
    Great way to learn!
  • 2
    Challenge-driven development!
  • 0
    I challenge you to compute a digits of pi! j/k... (there are some challenges though that are best not accepted.)
  • 0
    @allanx2000 that's not a challenge... Just need time, a good algorithm, and computational power mate :D

    If you pay for it - challenge accepted :D
  • 0
    @nocgod Oh correction... you need to do it manually on paper.

    Sure I'll pay you $1 mil, after you write out the whole thing to the *god knows how many decimal places* and assuming I'm not dead first.
  • 0
    @nocgod Oh correction... you need to do it manually on paper.

    Sure I'll pay you $1 mil, after you write out the whole thing to the *god knows how many decimal places* and assuming I'm not dead first.
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    @nocgod sorry typo on the original... stupid phone...

    *all digits of pi
  • 0
    @allanx2000 paper? What is it?
    God doesn't find interest in pi trust me I checked...:)
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    @nocgod but if that's the case,why is it everywhere in nature? Didn't God create all of that?

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    @allanx2000 nope...
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    @nocgod oh just noticed ur a god... guess maybe a different one perhaps?
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    @allanx2000 go 4 it
  • 1
    That's my motto too :)
  • 0
    Amen brother. Embrace the change.
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