
I'm really sick of the "six-figure" advertisement that the industry uses to encourage more people to go into programming. The amount of people who hate coding with a passion but are in it because they want money is staggering. A lot of them end up dropping out. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who dearly loves this field. Truthfully, this approach won't resolve our retention problems.

  • 3
    Six figures? In third world countries we get paid slightly above a call-center person's salary.

    Oh and you don't get to be the "front end" or the "backend" dev. You are everything: dev-ops, architect, fullstack, mobile, sysadmin,db-admin, IT, support, photoshop ui desingner.... shoud've prolly posted this as a rant rather than a comment xd
  • 0
    Well I think this situation happens in most of the major fields through the history: medicine/laws/economics you name it, but there is not really much you have to care about, the people that loves what they do always stands out
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