
I love Flutter. So simple. Such good docs. Not totally shit multiplatform. Flutter is my new favorite framework. Good job Google

  • 4
    Hopefully, they don’t have an epiphany one morning and decide to kill it.
  • 1
    Hate everything that even looks remotely like react code style
  • 1
    Except for the architecture. But compare to react native , flutter is better .

    Also , you will be expecting Indian recruiters want you to have 8 years of Flutter experience to work in American company.

    This happened to me after I have been doing flutter app for 3 years and uploaded to my GitHub (now private , previously public) , somehow they got my number and spam call me .

    After learning flutter be like.....
  • 1
    This post will not age well….
  • 0
    Flutter ha the same nesting hell as react.
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