Why don't all robotic mowers come with available solar powered garage stations?

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    @jespersh on top of the garage /port area for it though? The machine only uses a rechargable 20V lithium battery.
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    @jespersh plot twist: we put solar panels on it and it becomes sanic.

    Gotta cut fast!

    P.S: I blame it on you if this event is what prompts killer robots to go loose.

    @ojt-rant I think it could be a good idea as long as the neighbour doesn’t plant a tree near the docking station to be an a-hole… in the end all you have to do is to plan where to plant the docking station to maximise sun absorption!
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    @piratefox how about a backup socket direct to the mains as a fallback :D

    I've got my mower parked in a perfect spot with shade only on the ground - the wall above gleams with sunny prospects most of the day.

    If these things do become self aware I for one would have no problem with it, provided they are willing to kit the rest of my house out with top-notch solar power.
    All hail lord Landroid
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    Why would they?
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    @electrineer so I don't have a trialing wire going around my garden, into a constantly open window and down in to the basement.
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    @ojt-rant why don't you have a socket in the outside wall. I think that's the question you should be asking.
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    @electrineer it's a 1ft thick concrete wall with 5 inches of extenal insulation that would get wrecked if I get someone to punch a hole through it. It's also a shared building so I'm not sure I'd have the rights to modify it without additional permission, even if it's next to my garden area (we have very strict laws)
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    @ojt-rant yeah, but usually houses have electrical sockets on the wall. At least one.
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    Because robot lawn mowers should run on gas only. 'Murika.
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    @electrineer one would think. And if so, having it tethered to my circuit would have been nice too.
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    @electrineer at least where I live thats by no means a standart
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