Well , This is my attempt to make a biggest community in discord.
I just created this discord server, feel free to live stream in channel, sharing knowledge.
In this server you are allow to ask questions, we help each other.


  • 2
    Why biggest and not the one with best value?
  • 1
    @Floydimussorry I mean community where people help each other actively.
  • 3
    It will easily become the most toxic server, you'll have to add super strict moderation.
  • 3
    @theabbie moderation sure do. But super moderation is a bit too much , I'm not Stackoverflow...🤣🤣
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme Apology accepted :P

    Not sure whether you were able to join the dR call but I think @berkmann or someone raised a point on community and the discussion went like, smaller the community better it is because more resources and less demand lives to a fulfiled and happy life for all of uts members.
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