
Naming stuff is the hardest thing in development nowadays

  • 3
    var something;
  • 4
    I think there was a poll a few years ago and naming stuff was neck to neck with bad management on a list of stressful things for devs.
  • 3
    Well sir, looks like you are definitely NOT home within the web area. Just take a random word, let's say "water" , create some variation of the word to make it look DIFFERENT but sound the same, "wota", and append js to it. Voilà, "wotajs". Now we need a good catch line. Something like "wotajs, the framework that humanity needs". You know, because humanity can't exist without water, hehe.... He... He.... Real world examples that applied "Windfield's Naming Algorithm™", patent already applied, are vue (frontend framework for managing Javascript views, view->vue->vuejs).
    Feel free to ask any questions concerning the algorithm!
  • 0
    Variables, classes, functions
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    And building js frameworks the easiest
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