I have this pretty weird problem when using GitHub on my Firefox.

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    Works on my machine.

    Most websites are hot garbage and just break on random occasions, so unless this is reliably reproducible it's not that weird.
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    Works for me too.
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    Ah yes, It's a fairly common issue.

    To avoid this problem in the future you should switch to a Chromium-based browser.
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    @deadlyRants 1 point awarded to slytherin (with that name, no sorting hat needed) for most cliche dev answer.
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    Turn off all your plugins and turn one one until it breaks.

    Most browser plugins are garbage.

    I don't even know why they're still so popular after all the security visibilities they present.
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    @sariel I am not sure about the extensions. LanguageTool, daily.dev, Ghostery and Linganex Translator are all extensions on my Firefox and they all worked well. The problem only happened recently. I kinda suspect the Linganex Translator because it is the newest one I have installed.

    Anyways I have moved to use Vivaldi and install all those same extensions except daily.dev and replace Ghostery with AdBlock Plus. I have not tested this yet, so maybe tomorrow.
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    @NoOneCares Don't use AdBlock Plus. They don't block all ads, in fact their business model is based on making exceptions for companies paying them.

    If you want to block everything including annoying popups, uBlock Origin has been working very well for me.
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    @deadlyRants I actually don't mind some ads. I get it, you have to pay the bills somehow.

    I have a problem with obnoxious and dangerous ads.

    Ads shouldn't even be image based, all ads should be text based IMO.

    I have pretty good coverage with ABP and pihole. Probably about 1% of ads make it through, and when one does, I can block with either.
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    @rEaL-jAsE Have switched to Vivaldi for a long time ago. Now I only use Firefox for webdev.
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