
remember when samsung launched galaxy z flip and was telling everyone that they invented a bEnDaBlE gLaSs and you were bEndIng tHe lAwS oF pHysIcs, but then that screens started breaking all at once like with galaxy fold, but samsung somehow got away with it? Lmao I imagine if apple did something like that, yall could've not shut up for like a solid month, but if samsung does it, it's alrignt. you filthy fucking hypocrites

if you fucking hate apple, just fucking admit it, you're entitled to your opinion, but stop fucking inventing excuses. you hate apple not because of lightning, not because of right to repair because samsung and others (with rare exceptions) are no different. you hate apple just because it's apple. admit it.

  • 2
    I hate Apple so much, they keep making me buy their phones. Bastards!
  • 0
    Apple is more freedom-stifling than Samsung
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