
What is one technology you hate and why?

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    C++, Java, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, Go, Perl, Angular, React. Pretty much all of them.
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    Yes, why not?
  • 9
    I don’t hate the technology. I hate how it is abused, and it always is.
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    @TrevorTheRat Fair! Printers are terrible. Partially by design, and partially because printers are just plain terrible.
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    Whatever the government does. It's usually very bad or brazuca!
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    There's always a reason for everything. Except PHP. Fuck PHP.
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    @TrevorTheRat beat me to saying that
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    @ScriptCoded and XSLT, pl/sql, etc.
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    Share point

    It eliminates all benefits of a relational database and earlier versions didn’t work worth shit
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    I feel like I just woke up
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    Basically anything
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    @devdiddydog hurray for a transport wrapper of 50 lines of xml per packet !
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    JavaScript. It was a fucking hack welded into Netscape Navigator over two decades ago over the course of 10 days by one developer and we’ve been fucked over by it ever since. It was NEVER intended to do what it is being used for. It’s a pathetic, piece of shit language that no developer should be forced to use. It’s ONLY there because no browser creators will bother to get together and replace it with something that doesn’t suck ass.
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    @xMadxHatterx haha I remember Netscape lol
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    @xMadxHatterx ms sort of tried with razor syntax but that’s really just for rendering and translates I think into .....

    Have I mention how much I hate mvc ?
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    VBA, I seldom complain about technologies or programming languages. And I have worked with things that people really have hated. Most of the time I state that hate comes from ignorance and lack of knowledge (in terms of programming stacks), but everything in VBA gave me such a fucking headache to the point in which I could not understand why the fuck the API for it in terms of Excel was not better. Luckily my time using it to fix spreadsheet bs was shortlived.

    I also dislike batch scripts, and was thankful as fuck with the emergence of powershell. Bash is another one I fucking hate. This one I would admit is basically from ignorance from my part more than legitimate reasons.
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    On another note, i find it fascinating when someone, such as OP engages the community but the community will not upvote and shit.

    lol and even more lol
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    S - substantial
    O - overhead
    A - access
    P - protocol
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    @AleCx04 there I voted lol
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    @AleCx04 they’re erasing all this inside this year anyway and resetting the country anyway so they can keep doing whatever their miserable subhuman asses do anyway
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    @AleCx04 you act like humans are still alive heh
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    @fzammetti the amount of time people wasted making online communities seem to still contain living people
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    @fzammetti Maven was the original poster child for an “opinionated tool”, only in the long run - the opinion was proven to be bullshit.
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    Why hate when one can loath?
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    @Root I just can’t do printers, yet my non-technical partner can set them up every time I just don’t get it
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    Salesforce - I dont even want to explain why.
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    I don't hate technology, but technology and I hate my boss and client. Because they both expect the IMPOSSIBLE by saying "Nothing is impossible".
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