the "open app" button in spotify app closes the app and opens the web in the browser

  • 4
    Kde nájdem jaštericu?
    Sú roztomilé a majú šupiny.
  • 1
    Perfectly resource-intensive, as it should be.
  • 0
    Problem: Specifications not clean.

    Solution: Implemented a web app/native app toggle instead.
  • 2
    @Root Možno vo vašej kuchyni?
  • 3
    Why would their app have an "open app" to open the app that is already open??
    If it had worked, just like the typing "google" in to google, it would create a paradox that would engulf all universes. So count yourself lucky that it failed.
    Also, don't type "google" in to google.
  • 0
    @ojt-rant turns out the button is there in the app (in desktop version too) if you're not logged in.
  • 0
    @Root na kopci za mojim domom, v priebehu 20 minút prechádzky by sme aspoň jednu mohli stretnúť, ideme sa prejsť? :-D
  • 0
    @Eklavya Prečo by som mal v kuchyni jaštericu?

    @Midnight-shcode Užil by som si peknú prechádzku :)
  • 0
    @Root UžilA, ak si žena.
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