
Place your bets:

I recently did a take home coding test as part of an interview. In the end, I could only provide a partial solution but I recorded my thought process and came up with an ad hoc algorithm. I've seen a similar problem but didn't google anything and stayed active trying out test cases as I went. Towards the end as time ran out I noted what was wrong and how I could improve it...

Will I get a call back or am I done?

  • 1
    I think they should, and I bet they will. But if they don't, they're maybe some of those wondering why it is so hard to hire good developers these days, while you will still have had some good practice anyway.
  • 0
    It's not worth the gamble. Through the time, I got a call from one HR a week ago about PHP position. When I asked how big is the staff, she told 100+ people. All in all, she asked me to look at the coding test.

    I couldn't hold a laughter. Wait, seriously??? They have 100+ coding monkes and I am expected to do some shitty test for free? Not a chance. Later on, I looked in what they sent: "Make an admin panel blah blah". Suuuure...
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