Visa paid $150k for this dude... I don't have any words...

  • 1
    Whatever helps you escape from serfdom. AXS made some people moderately richer.
  • 1
    Hahaha made me laugh. The funny thing is it would likely be worth more $$ in a few months. Wtf is has world come to
  • 6
    I don’t understand.
    What is happening now?
  • 2
    @Root @molaram it's an NFT brought by Visa for $150k. They want to show that they support creative artists but this just feels comedic
  • 1
    That's around 1$/pixel :D
  • 7
    @samsepiol The whole NFT thing still feels like a huge scam to me.

    The reality with digital art is that piracy is ubiquitous. It's rarely even called piracy — I mean, this post includes the above pixels, and very few people consider that a problematic violation of copyright.

    So, an NFT "represents" ownership.

    Am I the only one thinking this is fundamentally ridiculous?

    The NFT owner still can't control what others can do with the art. Visa couldn't prevent this post from being posted. So they don't own shit.

    And... Nothing stops me from making Alt-NFT, much like alt DNS servers, which create a shadow system of representative ownership. The only reason people view NFT as "valid", is belief.

    You still don't own the artwork, you own a token. That token is intrinsically valueless, only deriving temporary value from the pyramid scheme hype.
  • 4
    Of course, there's the whole philosophical debate where the value of art actually comes from. The Mona Lisa is worth more than the value of the wood, canvas and paint. You could argue it's the value of labor, extremely skilled labor of a painter. But that would make an indistinguishable forgery of the Mona Lisa equally valuable. Is it?

    Some value seems derived from origin stories, history, events: Like how Banksy's Girl with Balloon increased in value by being half-shredded. The event generated value?

    Still, I can't shake the feeling that NFTs are a scam.
  • 0
    Omg just realized its 150K... Not 150$...
  • 2
    Money laundering to retarded cousins.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Most art seems to be money laundering, bribes, or untracked campaign donations.
  • 2
    @bittersweet you can access the urls which host each NFT token and then view the content yourself. It protects nothing. Only thing it does is provide digital proof you own the copyright. Which Is weak because no one respected copyrights anyway
  • 4
    I took some look into this stuff to educate myself. Found a game based on crypto, axie infinity. I was thinking to buy some land or stuff there to flex to my friends that I have it but then.... I saw the prices... I can't even afford a single character... With that amount of money, I can buy a real Forrest of 100.000 m2 in Serbia... :D
  • 3
    I just wonder... who the hell is playing this stuff? XD The Rotchield children with Rockefeller boys? :D How are these guys planning to have actual players?
  • 1
    @blindXfish what. That’s insane.
  • 0
    @molaram my nerd brain tells me the "tf" you mentioned is tensorflow
  • 0
    @rEaL-jAsE Yeap "what the tensorflow are you talking about ?"
  • 0
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