
What in the actual fuck GitHub?!

Why can't I edit a file direct on the web UI? I was able to this morning! If I can't edit against master then why the fuck is the icon there?!

Also, why did you add the unnecessary step of "add tag" when I am fucking CLEARLY adding a new fucking tag.

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    TIL some people use the webUI to make code changes and destroy the source of truth being a local repo.

    Great way to introduce unnecessary conflicts 😞
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    @C0D4 "some people" use the web UI to solve typos and conflicts that found their way through PRs.

    Those "some people" are also the ones that own the entire codebase from development, to operation, to deployment, to being the on-call.

    So if these "some people" want to fix something on master and force the devs on the team to perform a simple merge from origin(like every fucking good dev should), then so fucking be it.

    I don't get paid to make it easier on the devs to work. I get paid to make sure this shit works when it God damn needs to fucking work.
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    @sariel and yet, I'm part of those "some people" you just mentioned, and still won't use the browser to change code 🤷‍♂️
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    @C0D4 99% of the time I'm in the CLI. The other 1% I'm in the UI reviewing and merging PRs.

    Upon occasion I'll miss something and will take personal responsibility for the fuckup because I let it get through.

    If it takes me more than 5 lines of changes to a file, I'll change it through the CLI.

    My gripe is how "innovative" Microsoft wants to be and just pushes changes out in the middle of a Friday.
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    @sheriffderek #microsoftmakesmebitter
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    Huh. I tried it on mobile and it still works for me. They seemed to have changed the UI a bit so now it doesn’t seem like you can still click into the content and edit, but I still could. Maybe it’s an A/B rollout? 😅
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    @C0D4 In a collaborative git environment there's no universal source of truth. People pull new changes from their upstream repo regularly and they push when they want to publish. After the push there is a brief period of time when the pusher's repo is the same as upstream, but the default situation for any participant is that upstream may be newer.
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