
Need to look at socket.io documentation and their site is down :(

  • 3
    go on www.archive.org and on the top of the site enter socket.io
    Then select a snapshot from the 12. february or so. 🙂
  • 0
    Or look in Google's cache
  • 2
    Or use everything2.com, they have EVERYTHING
  • 1
    I tried archive.org and google cache they were painfully slow and broken, I also looked at the devdocs.io but could not load the socket.io docs (even on offline mode).

    In the end i decided to use a different node.js websocket implementation. Ive already made a event wrapper for the client side so just have to do the same server side now.
  • 1
    socket.io has been causing me constant pain for the past couple months. There's a reason that half the examples on their site don't work. I wish I'd just took the time to write a custom web socket wrapper at the beginning.
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