
Reforming education system and marriage system of India. Too much to do, to less time. 😪

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    Seems like a big job. What are you developing for that?
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    Join the club.
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    @MoistGrass I am just saying that I want to reform those things. Because currently, they fucking suck!
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    @Cyanide well yea but from what I understand from my Indian colleagues is that that would be changing the entire culture :)
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    Reform marriage system of the world. It sucks everywhere.
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    @Cyanide Every middle class family expectation for their kids to have a formal education and then get married around 25-30 in future. Too much stupidity and also who cares about job. Oldies never realize to focus on must things that stood up the greatest values in life
    But hopefully it will change soon or have to change
    And also to have separate time periods for that
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    @MoistGrass So be it man! This isn’t even the real Indian culture. This bullshit was given to us by hundreds of years of foreign exploitation. We got so scared of opening up that open-mindedness has become a crime here. Not a legal crime, mind you, a fucking cultural crime! That is why the whole culture needs a reform. And I know I can’t alone do it. Nobody can. We are too polarised for that. But I am gonna try on my end as hard as I can! Fuck this pseudo-culture shit!
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    @iiii I am not familiar with every country’s system but I believe they are fucked up too.
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    @Eklavya It’s not about the age man. I am 24 and I don’t have any problem getting married right now. It’s just the process here is so bloody exhausting for not a lot of reasons. I can understand a lot of things. I don’t mind conservative mindsets. But even when every factor is right, there is still something that gets in the way.
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    Education, maybe, but Marriage? not like anyone is stopping us from marrying the way we want.
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    There's probably an Emacs plugin for that.
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    @theabbie Can’t disrespect the ones who brought me up, can I?
    Maybe you can, but I can’t. That is the hardest.. to get everyone on the same page without any disrespect.
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    @hashedram Cool. I’ll have a look.
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    @Cyanide monogamic marriage is pretty much the same over the globe, afaik.
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