Those of you who did some kind of programming class in highschool, did they teach you about git?

I was talking to a friend the other day and we both said the one thing we wish we knew back then was git. Both us had projects go completely missing or fubar at T-10 seconds. I don't recall even knowing that version control was a thing

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    Uni taught us about svn, but it wasn't really explained, more as a "do this".
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    No. They did not.
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    Only cvs was around when I was in high school and they didn’t teach us that no
    They just taught us basic programming skills of troubleshooting
    Pseudo code and problem solving
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    Lot of old farts here, git wasn't a thing back then!

    Despite being ubiquitous these days, it's also helpful to remember version control in *general* wasn't really a widely accepted practice until SVN came along. Before then it was occasionally used, but the requirement of a server coupled with hardware being a lot slower back then meant it was often considered quite a niche thing.
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    @AlmondSauce that's true. I'm on the complete opposite side, graduated highschool in 2016
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    Git only at uni :(
  • 2
    svn was the hot shit when I was at uni. So we got taught a bit of cvs and svn. But really just as much as that it exists and what it does, if I remember correctly.
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    but my teacher taught me that "if it's not in the manual then it doesn't exist"
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