

Any help?

  • 0
    Have u tried unplugging the PC?

    Oh, and if that doesn't work, open up the computer, and give it a clean, if it has dust.
  • 0
    I got that screen too. Just backup your hard drive with another computer. Then reinstall windows. That will boost uo your computer and you will not get any errors like this for a long time.
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    I started using an external drive for the files and resetting windows once a month. That really helped me
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    you need to download windows recovery tools on a usb and then boot to the usb and use it. Googling it will give a more detailed answer.
  • 1
    Install Linux
  • 0
    You could do either an OS refresh if you wanna keep your files or a destructive reinstall. Probably an OS corruption; Windows updates are killing computers lately.
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    Buy a Mac and start to work
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    I got this too. I put a Linux live and backuped up all my data
    Then went to restore option and did a factory reset
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    Boot a windows installer and run auto repair. If that fails, use cmd under advanced and try running bcdedit.exe /rebuildbcd
  • 1
    Got this once.

    "Contact your device manufacturer"

    but I am the device manufacturer....
  • 0
    I got this error yesterday, too.
    Unfortunately, the only way to escape this is by resetting your PC.

    I'm sorry, mate. We all go through this eventually.
  • 0
    @bottswana tried both when I had this issue, none worked though :(
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