You know I can't seem to think of any reason why they'd try to make one class serve me for reportedly some horrible reason, and then punish me for not letting them aside from a single phrase that one would expect to hear while having a choke chain loosened which is 'good boy, good fido' because pushing the awful things they do off on me seems to be the objective while making my life harder if I don't do what I honestly do want to do, which is that pretty latina across the way, seems like them training one group by trying to encourage another to lend the illusion of a working system. heh. meaning they'll try to blame me if they give her something she shouldn't have by dangling her in front of me like a toy mouse, and there sense of humor seems apparent when the next time through they drop some ugly old homeless guy in front of me and have her laugh as she walks off after being rejected. trains her and attempts to discourage me from a higher path.

even though its hardly fair since the other option is to wander around out of resources and uncomfortable because i'm turned off by what they are and what their system entails and that seems to be the point. only heartless people would say 'well wtf ever'

amusingly those want to be despots and emperors are on the lowest of the low side of interests and seem to be doing just soooooo well after their looks dry up.

goes to show you if you're not independently wealthy you're a node being controlled by your impulses.

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